Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Interview with a PA-S from the North East

Here is an interview from a student in the North East. Check out her blog here to see her experience as a PrePA and a PA-S.

1) Why did you choose to be a PA?

I went into undergrad knowing I wanted to be a radiologic technologist and applied to the few four year schools in the area that had this program.  My junior year of high school my mom had mentioned the career of PA to me but I had never heard of it before and never seen a PA before so I put that idea out of my mind completely.  Then, my sophomore year of college while doing clinicals as an x-ray student, I realized I wanted more interaction with my patients.  I loved seeing patients and being able to get them answers about whatever they needed an x-ray for but I hated turning them away as soon as they got their diagnosis.  I hated when I discovered a patient had cancer mets on their x-ray, the radiologist told them the findings, and then I never knew what happened to them.  I had seen many PAs during my rotations as well so I asked if I could shadow one of the ortho PAs and after that I knew this is exactly what I wanted to do for my career.  So after another year of x-ray school and a year of working in the field, I applied and got into my top school.

2) Tell me about your application process (how many rounds, how many schools, how did the interviews go, how did you choose).

I applied to 7 schools along the East coast.  Being from Massachusetts I wanted to stay within the Northeast if possible, and then applied to one school in Virginia since my husband and I are considering moving that way at some point in the future.  I applied through CASPA in July and received my first interview invite about 4 weeks later (from the school I would go on to attend).  I attended 2 interviews in total and was accepted to both of those programs.  I then withdrew the rest of my applications being that I was already accepted into my top choice.  I chose MCPHS because it is only 20 minutes from where I was already living and I would be close to my family.  My husband would not have to leave is job either.  The absolute deciding factor though was just how I felt during the interview process.  I not only loved the way the program was set up but I loved the atmosphere, I felt comfortable there even being an interviewee. The students that gave us a tour really seemed excited about their experience so far and I was drawn to the school due to that.

3) Besides taking prerequisites, what did you do to stand out as an applicant?

I think my main attribute as an applicant was that I went to school for something somewhat different within the medical world.  I had a 3.7 undergrad GPA and only about 1,200 hours of HCE when I applied, but I was told something at one of my interviews that stood out to me.  The assistant program director of my program was my interviewer.  She said that it was a huge asset that I was an x-ray tech since many PAs seem to be lacking in the skill of reading plain films.  So I think that I stood out by going for something a little out of the ordinary.  This just proves that your undergrad major does not have to be bio or chemistry.

4) What has surprised you about being a PA-S?

I am not completely surprised by anything so far actually.  I knew what I was in for because I was obsessed with learning about PAs and reading PA student blogs for about 2 years prior to becoming a PA-S myself.  I think the main thing that has surprised even myself is just the dedication I have to what I am doing.  I can not ever remember a time that I woke up at 7am on a Saturday and legitimately sat down and studied until 8pm until PA school started. Even on the most gorgeous Spring days we have been having this year, I am still just studying straight through.  So just my absolute dedication to this program is surprising me, but you need it.

5) How have you balanced school, leadership (class VP), study, and family life?

Stay on top of things!  If you have an exam on Monday, do not start getting everything together on Friday and expect to cram all weekend.  Start preparing your study guides or note cards at least 2 weeks prior and work on them every day after class to stay on top of each new thing you learned that day. This definitely has helped me not to cram the weekend before and also saves me time to be able to see my husband and spend time with my family.  I am also my class VP and it really doesn't take up an insane amount of time.  Just keep on top of your time management and never let a day pass when you do not catch up on your notes or else it will be a mad rush to finish at the end.

6) Why did you start your blog? What have you learned from keeping a record?

My main reason for starting a blog was so I could help other pre-PAs out there.  I know that I tried to find every PA-S blog out there when I was a pre-PA.  I could not get enough of them because I loved hearing everything that I would be doing some day.  I admired the writers behind those blogs for the past 3 years and I really wanted to be that blogger for others.  It was a great way to mentally prepare myself and I hope to help others and answer all of their questions.  As for right now, I am not sure what I have learned from blogging yet :)  I hope that in the end I can look back and see all of the hard work that I put into PA school and realize how it paid off. 

7) What advice would you give to future applicants?

My advice is definitely to mentally prepare yourself and never give up.  I knew going into my first round of applications that there was a definite possibility that I would not get into a program on my first shot.  I knew I had little HCE compared to others but I knew I had a great GPA...just like all the other applicants applying this cycle.  Just go into the CASPA cycle knowing that you will get into a program, either this cycle or maybe the next, you will do it.  Have that dedication knowing that this is what you want to do and you will accomplish it one way or another.  Also, prepare yourself for the fastest yet slowest two years of your life.  It will be hard, trying, and amazing all rolled into one.  Just roll with the punches and know that it is all worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Loving all of the interviews with PAs and PA students! Great idea! Just wish I had found this blog while I was applying and going through interviews. Looks like you're in the process of applying. Good luck!!



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