Wednesday, May 2, 2012


It's CASPA time again, as many of you know. I'm taking a break from entering my info to go over a few handy CASPA tips:

1) DETAILS - make sure you proof everything. Double check dates. Make sure spelling is correct. Go over coursework again to see if everything is listed correctly. A small error will stand out

2) Find a Place - If there is something from your background that the adcom should know about, find a place to include it. Does your leadership on a committee at work not fit in work experience? Did you attend a health related seminar? Have you shadowed a hospital administrator? FIND A PLACE FOR IT!

3) Bite Sized Chunks - If this is your first time to fill out CASPA, get ready. It takes a long time. I found it easier to tackle this like several small projects. Take breaks, have a snack, play some music in the background. It's a lot of data entry, so find a way to make it work.

4) Have someone look at it - For any narrative section, make sure someone else looks at it and gives you feedback. Several people if possible. The personal statement is the most obvious, but this is also important for descriptive sections on shadowing and work experience.

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