Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hello Everyone!

I am starting to recover after completing my first semester of PA school. It was an incredible semester, and I can see why so many student blogs drop off after a few weeks.

I'll have some new interviews (including long overdue videos from the TAPA Fall Conference) posted soon, as well as some articles I've written elsewhere.

Is there a subject I need to cover? Do you have a question about PA school or the PA profession in general? Let me know - I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Hi Ryan -

    From going to a PA wannabe to a PA-S what kind of HCE has been most helpful to most students?

  2. Hey Sandy, thanks for the question. The short answer is any experience that allows you to interact with patients as some kind of care giver. CNA, EMT, Medical Assistant, etc all let you have great contact with patients and a hand in their care. I'll write a longer post about the variety of HCE we have in our class. I would rank hands on experience as more helpful than other positions that are more lab or research based. Lab work or research work is better than no experience though. Good luck!


Interview with a PA fro Interventional Radiology

Here's an interview with a PA working in IR. 1) Why did you choose to be a PA?  After college I worked as a health education research...